Friday, May 27, 2011

Fill in the blank Friday......

1. If I could get away somewhere for the weekend I would go ___________ to a beach house with my family for a weekend of sun, fun, & grilling!! :O)
2. Something I often rant about is ____________ I wouldn't say rant, but phone solicitors really annoy me!
3. One item I need to have in my fridge at all time is____________ Diet Coke.
4. My "life-saving" product is___________bubble bath!! I gotta have my bubble bath. :O)
5. A friend is someone who __________is always there when you need them.
6. If I could write my own blank it would be ____________What is something most people don't know about you?
7. My favorite kind of art is___________ photography {especially black & white}.

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Menu Plan Monday: January

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