I finally got rid of those two spiral notebooks on my counter and organized a binder.
I divided it into categories:
(1) menu planning
(3) to-do
(4) calls
and a section for Nathan's upcoming graduation. There is plenty of room for other categories like coupons, and other things I want to keep handy.
In the front of the binder, I have my 30 Spaces list....
I like how it turned out and it definitely looks much nicer!
Space 22 of 30: Medicine Cabinet
This was easy, just needed rearranging a bit.
Space 23 of 30: Nathan's Closet
Another easy space, since I gave it a really good overhauling recently.
Space 24 of 30: Pantry Cabinet
Since moving most of my food to a different cabinet, and moving some of my bakeware to the bottom of the island, this cabinet isn't as cluttered as it used to be. The bottom holds pots and pans, trays, plastic cake holder, colander, and a few other misc. items. The top cabinet holds cereals, snacks, crackers, chips, mints, and bread. It was very sparse the day I cleaned it out, thanks to my 17 year old who seems to eat up all the snacks as soon as I buy them!!
Just 6 spaces to go!!! I have been working on receipts all day and I am almost finished. The filing cabinet bench has turned out great and is very handy for pulling receipts if I need something. I started this challenge on February 8th, so it looks like I might complete it in 30 days!
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