Friday, March 16, 2012

5Q Friday...3/16

1. Will you run to the store or to pick up a kid looking a mess? Yep....
2. Do you finish a book if it's boring or you don't like it? I can easily quit reading a book if I can't get into it. I pretty much know after the first few chapters if I'm going to stick with it or not.

3. Beach or mountain vacations? I'll pick the beach, although we really haven't given a mountain vacation a chance. All of our vacations tend to revolve around sand & sun!
Beach Club Resort @ WDW....

one of our favorite places to vacation!
4. What thing/event says "winter will end and spring is right around the corner" to you? I'll let the pictures I took outside yesterday speak for itself:
lilac bush beginning to bud.....

day lillies....I swear they grow a few inches taller every day.
5. Would you prefer couples or family vacation? Hmmmm...this is hard! We love both...I don't think I can choose, although Logan doesn't live at home and takes his own vacations and Nathan will graduate next year, so I know our family vacations will soon be fewer. Peter and I love traveling, so I'm sure once our nest is empty, we'll enjoy our "just us" trips, but I'm hoping the boys will humor me and take a trip with us occasionally. I'm also looking forward to traveling with our grandchildren someday! :O) {whenever we have grandchildren}.


beagleAnnie said...

Hi Susan,
I have a grandson and I hope to take a trip with him some day. But he is only 10 months old.

Unknown said...

Loved all the pictures. Your lilies look so lush! You just have to post an update pic when they're in full bloom!

Menu Plan Monday: January

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