Saturday, September 27, 2014

get rid of that junk drawer

Why do I have a junk drawer? That drawer that is full of miscellaneous stuff that you have no idea what to do with, those items you think you must keep because you'll need it someday (but never do), those things that you even forget you own, items that don't seem to fall into any category when organizing....stuff....junk!
In my effort to scale down, I decided that after 31 years of marriage, I no longer need a junk drawer in my life. Before, I would have "organized" the junk in the drawer, but yesterday, I emptied out everything and didn't put any of it back. The majority of the drawer was taken up by coke caps....wayyyyyy too many coke caps (I need to enter all those points into my account at and earn some "free" stuff).

I once again realize I have a serious diet coke addiction, but I'll address that later.:0(

Other random items in the junk drawer included balloons, a couple of Ace bandages, plastic utensils, mason jars, envelopes, a meat thermometer, and outdated calendars, like 10 years worth of calendars. YIKES! I really have a problem.......

I write lots of stuff on my calendar. Along with your normal birthdays, doctor or mani appointments, I also write things like weather, births and deaths, special things the kids are doing, etc, so my calendar is actually a mini journal. I hate throwing them away, and hold on to them for years (this time 10 years!). I took a big step and threw ALL of them away, but before I did, I spent a little time (well actually an hour or two), going through them month by month, jotting down in my binder, important dates/things that I want to remember.

I decided to now use this deep drawer as my mail center. I moved a few files to this drawer, my binder, daily budget book, envelopes, checks/bank stuff, address labels, coupons/gift cards. I also used a few of the plastic containers I took out of the cabinet yesterday to organize this drawer. In the Crystal Light containers, I put extra tubes of lip balm (I had 10 tubes on hand), extra pens in another, and a misc. one that has nothing in it yet. Much better and the drawer now has a purpose!!! I will probably take a few random items out and keep it strictly for mail/paperwork, but for now, it is much more functional.....and junk free!!

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