Saturday, March 28, 2015

Saturday 9: Thinking Out Loud

Saturday 9: Thinking Out Loud (2014)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's featured artist, Ed Sheeran, was discovered by Elton John. Tell us your favorite Elton John song.
I have many but Candle In The Wind, Circle Of Life, Can You Feel The Love Tonight, Island Girl, and Crocodile Rock are a few of my faves!
Day 19: Favorite soundtack. The Lion King Soundtrack by Hans Zimmer, Elton John and Tim Rice

2) Ed's arms are covered in tattoos, so clearly he doesn't suffer from trypanophobia, or the fear of needles. Do you get nervous when the doctor gives you a shot?
No, not really (I do not like giving blood though!!!)
3) One of his tattoos depicts a Heinz Tomato Ketchup label. What condiments are in your kitchen right now?
Lots of condiments: ketchup, mustard, soy sauce, worcestshire sauce, steak sauce, bbq sauce, sweet & sour sauce, hot sauce....and lots more.
TIP: I use this idea when grilling- a lot easier than carrying all those bottles ouside.
Grilling Tip - Put condiments in a muffin tin. No more toting bottles & jars to the picnic table!

4) Spotify named Sheeran the most-streamed artist in the world for 2014. Do you use Spotify? Pandora?
I have Pandora, but don't listen to it as much since getting my iPod.

5) Ed celebrated his success by purchasing a farm near Suffolk, England. Would you prefer to live in a rural, suburban or urban area?
I live in a rural area, but prefer the suburbs.

6) In this song, Ed sings about kissing "under the light of one thousand stars." Were you able to see the stars last night? Or was it it too cloudy or overcast?

No stars, it was cloudy/rainy all day.
Love mornings like this, full of mystery and promise.

7) Ed is a natural red head, a trait he shares with only about 2% of the population. Does red hair run in your family?
Not really, although I do have 2nd cousins with red hair.
 8) One of Clairol's most popular shades is a red (Nice 'n Easy Natural Light Auburn). Have you/would you dye your hair?
I have highlights. :O)

9) Random question: Look at the windows in the room you're in. Are they covered in curtains or blinds?
All of our windows have curtains and blinds. The windows on the front have bamboo roll-up shades, the rest of the house has white wood blinds.
Value Line Faux Wood Blinds White - Stock Sizes
Bamboo Outdoor Roll Blinds4


CountryDew said...

I really like your muffin tin tip! That is a great way to do that.

The Gal Herself said...

That condiment idea is so cute! And it looks like it would be very easy to clean after the cookout, and I'm all about the easy. You remind me: I need soy sauce and sweet 'n' sour. I have no condiments for Chinese food (unless those little packets in the drawer count).

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