Monday, January 15, 2018

[my boys]

Since the boys started tugging, Logan in 2006 and Nathan in 2013, they have gone long spans without seeing each other. When I did this post in 2016 {LINK}, they were on still on opposite tours, but finally got to see each other. 

Then they had another get-together that next month....{LINK}

Nathan switched his tour, so in November 2016, after seven years of not having both the boys home at the same time for Thanksgiving, we finally celebrated it together! {LINK}


When Nathan went back to work a few weeks ago, the weather really messed up his schedule and they decided to send his crew back home. Nathan wanted to work, plus he couldn't get back home right away because of the ice anyway, soooo, he went to the office and asked to be put somewhere to work.

It just so happened that Logan was short a deckhand so, they put him in that spot!! 

How awesome!! :O)

Nathan had been wanting to work with Logan and now they had a few days together.
It was VERY cold up in 6 inches of ice on the deck cold!! 

Even with the cold weather, they enjoyed their time together and Nathan commented on how hard Logan works and how good he is at his job and with his crew [including Lewis who he loved working with too!!! :O)]. Logan said the same about Nathan! :O)
This was one of those times as a Mom that my heart melted 
and I was very happy and proud of my boys!!


Kayla posted something on Facebook the other day that really touched me! As a Mom of boys, we have a different relationship with our children than those with girls. A Mom of a girl always has their girl. A Mom of a boy, eventually, loses their boy, in a sense. When they get married, Mom automatically takes second place to the girl, as it should be, but it's not always an easy adjustment. 

I started praying for my boys when they were little, praying that they would find THE ONE. That person who would love them as much as me, and who would make them very happy. I prayed for a good life for them. I prayed that I would be a good mother-in-law and that that their wives would love me and let me be part of their lives and my grandkids lives. When that comes true, all those feelings of "losing" your son, are made so much better and you not only have your son, but now a daughter to love too! 
When I read the post that Kayla shared, it was almost as if I had written those words.
It's also something else that Kayla and I share.....being a boy Mom, and sharing our "boys" with the person who falls in love with them. <3


To the person who falls in love with my son......

"I’m not sure when exactly I’ll be giving you this letter.
Maybe in a few decades on the day you marry my son. Or maybe it will be just a random day that feels right. Whenever it is that you get this letter, I hope that I will be alive and well enough to fully experience how happy I am to know you.
Right now it feels a little silly to be writing this letter. My son, my little toddler, is upstairs, tucked in a bed that seems giant compared to him, and it reminds me how tiny his body is. He’s lost in a sea of blankets that I lovingly wrapped around him, before I brushed his hair off his forehead, kissed him and came downstairs to write to you.
I’ve listened to enough stories to know that (God willing) my toddler is going to grow up faster than I am prepared for. His lanky feet will soon hang off the edge of that bed, and before I know it, he’ll sleep in a new bed, in a different home, away from me.

And somewhere along the way, he will find you. And everything will change.

Right now he chooses me. He chooses me to play race cars with and to read books with. He likes my lunches better than the ones his school makes. He wants me to be the last one to kiss him goodnight.
But one day, he will choose you. He’ll want to spend his days off with you, go on adventures with you, cook for you.
Right now his eyes light up with joy when he sees me. The look on his face when he first spots me in the preschool pick up line will never ever get old.
But one day, those eyes will sparkle for you. He’ll study your hands, memorize your face, and have pictures of you up in his office (or, in his “super awesome pick-up-truck-excavator in a tunnel” which is where he currently plans to work).
Right now I am his hero. He asks me for help. He asks me to make it stop raining. He snuggles with me when he is sick.
But one day, you will be his hero. He’ll ask a question, you and I will each give him a different answer, and he will listen to yours over mine. You’ll help him discover the world, you’ll be the one to make him feel better when he is sad or sick.
Right now I am teaching him how to be kind. His dad and I are teaching him how to respect others and be respected. How to listen, how to help, and how to ask for help when he needs it.
And one day, I hope he lavishes you with that respect and kindness.
Right now I get to plan birthday parties and make the holidays and milestones magical.
One day, you will remind him to call me on my birthday.
Right now, home is with me.
But one day, he will be at home wherever he is with you.
And the thing is, all of this is okay. It’s wonderful in fact.
It is my honor to be this little boy’s mother, to help guide him as he grows into the person that you will fall in love with. And it will be my honor to know you as well.
I hope that world is a better place when he does find you, and a statement like this seems totally unnecessary—but just in case, I want you to know that if you treat him well and make him happy, I will love you no matter your gender, race, ethnicity or religion, just like I will all of my children.
I promise to try to find a balance between being in your lives and being helpful without overstepping my boundaries. No pop-ins, I swear.
I promise to try not to give advice unless you ask.
And to you, the person who has fallen in love with my son, I promise to fall in love with you. Because the person that loves my son will understand what’s behind those sparkling eyes of his like I do. That person will think his raspy voice is adorable like I do. Will laugh at his jokes the way that I do (though hopefully we’ll be over this poop jokes phase by then, for your sake).
And how could I not love the person that loves all of that about my child?
So right now while I have him, before he is yours, I will cherish every moment, every kiss and every snuggle.
And one day, when you love him and he loves you, I will be so proud. Proud of the person he has become, proud of the person he has chosen to spend his days with, and proud, so proud, to be his mom. "

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