Sunday, April 29, 2012

well you can't say I didn't try....

You know how I've been rambling on and on about how busy my life is and how I've been hoping to catch a minute to walk down to the kayak dock for some quiet time, well, today was the day! After church, we got takeout from the restaurant that I work at {which was so, so good I might add}, and it was such a gorgeous day, I decided to grab my camera and head for the docks. Well, a certain young couple had the exact same idea! They were only a few steps ahead of me, and I think we actually ended up in a race to see who could claim the spot first...LOL. Needless to say, they won! Once I was there, I felt rather awkward, and didn't know whether to sit down on the other bench or turn around and go back home. Me, being the persistant one that I am, sat down on the bench. It was so funny because the young guy kept looking over his shoulder at me, like,umm, you are not seriously going to sit here with us are you? LOL :O) I was hoping I was going to cramp their style and they would leave, but nope, they stuck me out! I finally spoke up and said, do you know if the library is open? The young guy said quickly, yep, it's open all the about getting rid of somebody. LOL
So, off to the library I go, where I searched and searched for a "good book". I haven't read anything in months, and nothing jumped out at me, so I randomly chose these two books.
I'll let you know if I made a good choice. Well, the library just so happens to be right in front of the kayak dock, and I almost pulled a chair out on the porch, but since the young couple thought they had gotten rid of me, I didn't want them to spot me. I took a few pictures through the french doors, but seriously it is a pitiful attempt at getting some beautiful pictures can't say I didn't try though..................

1 comment:

beagleAnnie said...

Hi Susan,
They are great shots! I love them.

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