Friday, May 15, 2015

a simple life....

Words To Live By...Simplicity!

For some time now I've felt like I've wanted to simplify my life. By simplifying I mean my house, and all the stuff I have accumulated over the past 50 years. Simplifying seems to be the current trend, and I think it's a good one. To only keep the things that bring joy, and to get rid of the rest. I like it.

But how do I do it? Where to start?
I used to think that organizing was the the solution, and while I still love to be organized, I need to simplify first. There is a difference between an organized life and simplified life. While it may be organized, I still find we have too much stuff. A basket for this and a bin for that, most of which holds things I might use once or twice a year. It's taking up too much space in our home. When you simplify, you scale down, and keep only those things that are useful and you really love.
Design Quote: William Morris | Love Chic Living
While "spring" cleaning, I tried to sort through and only keep the things we'll actually use or need. I have a problem with letting go of things, but it seems to be getting a little easier the older I get. I want to keep working on this until I'm finally free of the clutter that is weighing me down. I have lots of favorite things and way too many other things that I really don't use or love. Sometimes we have so much stuff that you can't enjoy those special things. For example, I love to cook and I spend alot of time in the kitchen. If my cabinets are cluttered with dishes and pans that I rarely use or are worn, they are only talking up space and are not really making me happy.
Do you wish you could enjoy your favorite *things* every day??? Guess what? You CAN!!
Not long ago, I went through every cabinet and got rid of all of my dated baking dishes, pots & pans, and mix-matched dinnerware. I bought new bright yellow Rachel Ray baking dishes, new pots & pans, and all white dinnerware. I LOVE all of it. Not only is it pretty, but I actually want to use all of it and do most every day. I had held on to some of that stuff forever. I didn't like it. I didn't use it, yet it took up space and cluttered my cabinets for years. I finally let it go!
Let it go! when you get really angry and you want to insult people.. breathe in then let it go
I am also trying to simplify my life too. I get so tired of being too "busy". I live by a calendar and tons of sticky notes!
Are you a multitasking mastermind? You may be burning yourself out more than you think! Follow these 5 tips to help you slow down and focus.
I get distracted with things, that in the big picture, really don't need to take so much of my time. I'm learning to be more selective with what I do and what I attend, and try to to focus on things that make me happy and spend more time with the people I love most or even have a little time just for me (or even take a nap and not feel guilty).

Simplify....less stuff.less work.less expense=more money.more time.more joy.

It's a work in progress for me, but it's a goal that I think will help me to slow down and enjoy all the good things in my life and help me to focus on what really matters!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you, that was exactly what I needed to read.

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