Thursday, January 25, 2018

{my word for 2018}


Can you believe we are this far into 2018 already? 

I wonder how we can top 2017, as it was a banner year for our family-- Kamry's first birthday, finding out grand baby #2 was coming, the wedding (6 months earlier than planned), N & K moving back and into their own place (1 week before the new baby arrived) two showers, the holidays.......just a crazy...amazing year! 

I don't have a huge list of resolutions this year, rather a small list of personal goals. I do love the idea of choosing a word for the year to focus on.

Last year, I chose the word FUN. Sometimes we get caught up in getting the to-do list done or get so focused on work or our homes, that we forget to have worries, no deadlines, just making time for fun things that make us happy. 

Enjoy every moment.


Up until a few months ago, I had no idea what my word would be this year. 

Early one morning in October, as I rocked Rowen, the house quiet, the sun streaming through the window, my mind wandered to all I had to do at home. I had just finished work for the season and my house was in desperate need of a good cleaning. It was that time of year, fall cleaning time, with the holidays just around the corner. I love things in order, organized, and I like a clean house. It matters to me, it makes me happy and much less stressed when things are clean and neat.

Kayla was going through a rough time with "baby blues" which turned into postpartum depression. I was clueless on how to help her or even what to say, but after a few mornings of being available for her to help watch Rowen,  I realized all she needed was for me to be there. I spent pretty much the next month, helping out with Rowen or with things around the house or just being someone to hang out with. 

That morning, as I sat there, staring down at that sweet face, it hit me that I need to learn to SAVOR these precious moments more and stop being distracted by my to-do list or fretting over things that are trivial (like Fall cleaning). 

Is there anything more important than quiet moments with your grandchildren or helping one of your children out when they are going through a rough time? 

Life is so busy, chaotic, hectic, and filled with obstacles and hardships. It is also filled with good things: joys, accomplishments, little moments. I want to enjoy these good things, I want to savor every moment, I want to be present, and soak it all up.

Thankfully, Kayla is feeling much better and no longer needs me like she did that first month or so. I am thankful that it didn't feel like a burden or inconvenience to me, but rather was some of the best moments! To think, I used to get all bent out of shape if my fall cleaning wasn't finished by a certain time. Talk about priorities in the wrong order.

{my word for 2018}

Savor: Living Abundantly Where You Are, As You Are by Shauna Niequist
I had asked for the devotional SAVOR by Shauna Niequest for Christmas and I got it! 
I'm just a a month in, but  I love it already and have enjoyed each morning's devotion.

savor: to delight in; to enjoy.
Coffee... Savor Every Drop

Quote: [Things will not always be as they are now - there will be new things, other things, good things, but I don't want to miss this, this right now. I want to SAVOR the day, the beauty of the world that God has made, I want to enjoy my family and friends, and all the good things that God has so richly blessed me with.

Savor beauty

Take time to think about what you want this year and don't be afraid to go for it. Life is short, and so precious, we have to make each day, each moment count.]

Slow down and enjoy the gifts God has given you. Savor His blessings. []


{my word for 2018 -- SAVOR)

1 comment:

Margaret Seagraves said...

I love that your word for 2018, Susan, is "Fun"!!! And I love the idea of the devotional Savor by Shauna Niequist!!! I'm going to look for that! It sounds like something I would truly enjoy!
I choose a word for each year...I should say, God chooses a word for me each year! The word always comes to me when I least expect it, in a quiet way, usually when I'm doing or thinking of something else! The word God chose for me this year is "choices"! I believe He's trying to help me discover that I have a choice in most things, and that I'm not trapped in a routine or behavior or obligated to do everything in the way I normally would. I can choose to do things differently, which may be uncharacteristic of me, but still important to fulfill who I am...if that makes any sense!
I love what you said about savoring the moment, instead of thinking of all the "to do" things that may be harassing you! That's being "mindful", and it's a virtue I'm definitely going to try to incorporate in my life this year! My yoga teacher talks about that all the time!
Lots of good ideas for 2018! Hopefully, we will persist and continue with our noble intentions! Good luck!
Love, Margaret

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