Monday, November 5, 2012

Thankful November: Day 5


I am very thankful for my job. I've said this so many times before, but I am very fortunate to have a job that I truly love and enjoy. Managing a bed & breakfast has always been one of those jobs that looked fun {think Lorelei Gilmore and the Dragon Fly Inn} :O) it's a job I thought I would be good at, and I'm very thankful I got this chance to actually do it. I pretty much like all of the many aspects of my job, but I think the best part is getting the opportunity to meet so many nice people, and there have been many over the past 10 years, lots of whom I have become great friends with. I also love that it is a seasonal job, because while I do enjoy going to work every day for 6 months, I enjoy getting to stay at home with my family the other 6 months.
Steve Jobs inspirational quote great work do what you love Motivation Monday

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