Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thankful November: Day 4


I am very thankful for my church and church family. I'm thankful to live in a country where I can worship freely. I'm thankful for my church, this beautiful church with the cross at the top of the steeple and it's stained glass windows. While I know that church really isn't the building itself, this has been my church since I was a little girl and I can't help but be reminded every time I enter, of all the messages and music I have heard over the years, all the Sundays I sat next to Mom-Mom Annie in Sunday School as a teen, having our boys baptized in this church, and the many people who have blessed my life in many ways over the years. But if the building were gone tomorrow, I know that I would still have my church family, our Pastor and Sunday School teachers who preach God's word, and all it's members - all who are very special to me. I am thankful for the bond I have with each of them, for my fellowship with them, for their encouragement, love, support, and ministry to me.

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