Tuesday, June 11, 2013

{Summer} Weekly Cleaning Schedule

I NEED a schedule! I am the world's worst time manager if I don't have one. After being super-organized all fall/winter, I am now just fluttering around, getting nothing accomplished! Summer is crazy, busy for me, and I can't seem to get in the groove at home. I start out great on Monday, but by Wednesday, I'm already behind. I decided to make a "schedule" for weekly cleaning by focusing on one room per day {on the day I do bedrooms, I'll give Nathan's room a little extra cleaning too, since he's responsible for keeping his room clean for the most part}. I printed up a schedule and hung it on the fridge-I'm actually excited to start tomorrow, ugh...too bad it's bathroom day! :O)

Sunday is my busiest day at work and it's Peter's day off, so he usually vacuums everything and straightens up a little if needed. :O)
Okay.....let's get organized {and clean!!}.

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