Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Valentine's Day Getaway [a little visit]

02.08.19 We went out on the evening boat to add an extra night to our Valentine getaway. A little visit with Logan, Lindsey, and Kamry is always welcome. I hadn't seen her in a month and we were both so excited to spend some time together. While they were busy getting dinner ready, Kamry and I went "camping" in a "tent" complete with a zipper to keep the monsters out (after we looked at the stars, moon, and clouds in the sky!) The video clip below is only audio - I want to always remember that little voice and sweet conversations. <3

Helping Daddy cook dinner <3

We had a yummy seafood feast - cream of crab soup, steamed clams, and stone crab claws. 
It was delicious! Always enjoy the love and laughter when we gather around the table together.

The Little Mermaid 

then "iceskating"-- making a "picnic" -- playing with her dollhouse --reading stories

Kamry had a bad cold for over a week and the doctor prescribed the nebulizer (which she hated). :O(

After Kamry went to bed, we sat up til the wee hours talking and laughing and reminiscing.
I enjoy this special time with my children, just hanging out and getting caught up. <3

The next morning, Kamry and Lindsey slept in, but we had coffee with Logan before heading out for the day. What a wonderful time we had!! 


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