Thursday, August 21, 2014

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

I knew it would happen sooner or later.....after watching tons of videos this week of the ALS ice bucket challenge, Peter and I were challenged to do it. Nathan nominated me, but being the wimp that I am, I chose to donate instead. Peter, on the other hand, is always up for a challenge and decided to do it after being nominated tonight. Here is the video:

and check this out.....I would love to do this!!
Walk to Defeat ALS®...Salisbury, MD 10/18/14.  Please consider making a donation!  Thanks:)
Salisbury MD---October 18, 2014

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Menu Plan Monday: January

hello January: MENU PLAN MONDAY 🗓️ I love all the winter dishes like oysters and ducks, collard greens, soups and stews. Just give me all t...