Friday, April 29, 2011

30 Day Blog Journal - the list

I'm joining the 30 Day Blog Journal fun! Follow along with me as I take the challenge of journaling every day for the next 30 days! Below is a list of topics for each day.

Day 1 - a favorite song

Day 2 - a favorite movie

Day 3 - a favorite television program

Day 4 - a favorite book

Day 5 - a favorite quote

Day 6 - list 20 of my favorite things

Day 7 - a photo that makes me happy

Day 8 - a photo that makes me sad

Day 9 - a photo I took

Day 10 - a photo taken over 10 years ago of me

Day 11 - a photo of me recently

Day 12 - 3 things on your bucket list

Day 13 - a fictional book

Day 14 - a non-fictional book

Day 15 - my dream house

Day 16 - a song that makes me cry (or nearly)

Day 17 - an art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)

Day 18 - a vacation spot you want to visit

Day 19 - a talent of mine

Day 20 - a hobby of mine

Day 21 - a recipe

Day 22 - a website

Day 23 - a picture of your family

Day 24 - where I live

Day 25 - my day, in great detail

Day 26 - something important you have planned for the next week

Day 27 - my worst habit

Day 28 - name something on your want list

Day 29 - last concert you saw

Day 30 - plans for the next month

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