Thursday, July 20, 2017

slow down summer....

July has gone by sooooo fast!! Even with work and the heat, I'm enjoying summer and hate to see it pass so quickly. I'm surprised I'm finding time for morning quiet time, but somehow, I've become a morning person, so I manage to fit in coffee, a little breakfast, and some time for devotions. :O)

Perks of having family living near Corner Bakery!

Sometimes you wonder if you taught your kids anything, then they get up early to make their wife breakfast before they go to work because (a) she's pregnant and needs a good breakfast, (b) she's working and you have the day off, and (c) you are trying to be sweet. LOL <3

I'm watching as he cooks and then he does this.....
puts them in a warm oven with butter until she gets up for work! 
 A good Husband and Dad is something to be proud of! This guy learned fast!!!
It's The Little Things!!

Raspberry Banana Smoothie 

Strawberry Kiwi Smoothie


my favorite devotional 

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Menu Plan Monday: January

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