Friday, April 29, 2016

She's here!!!!

Our tiny little princess made her appearance a whole 10-1/2 weeks early!

Kamry Lynn was born at 8:54 p.m. on April 22nd. She weighed 2 lbs. 12.5 oz. and was 15.3 inches long, but at only 1 week old, she has earned the title of little miss feisty and full of personality by all of her nurses in the NICU.


After feeling bad for several days and her blood pressure running high, Lindsey went in to see her doctor last Thursday. She had blood work done and was put on HBP meds and was told to return the following day to see what the results of the blood work was. She felt bad that night, and after going back to the doctor's office on Friday morning, was sent right away to PRMC. Dr. Jennings was the doctor on call, and after looking at her chart, diagnosed her with HELLP Syndrome, a life-threatening complication of preeclampsia. He immediately made the call that Lindsey be transported by helicopter to John's Hopkins for an emergency c-section.

It was Logan's very first week as captain and his boat was in NY. After getting word that Lindsey would deliver that day, he had to make arrangements to get to her asap, but also worried about leaving his boat and crew. I want to give huge credit and thanks to his company for not only taking the burden of worry about his boat off his shoulders, but for making sure they got him to Lindsey's side as quickly as possible. Within the hour, they had a driver waiting to take him to Baltimore and put him out at the front door of John's Hopkins.

Looking back, we can clearly see God's hand in the entire situation. Lindsey wasn't able to be taken by helicopter due to storms in the area, instead she was taken by ambulance. God's timing is amazing, because 15 minutes after she arrived, Logan walked into her room. Had she been taken by helicopter, the baby would have been born a few hours earlier and Lindsey would have been all alone. That had been her fear since she found out she was pregnant - that Logan would be on the boat and not be with her when the baby came.

Unfortunately, Lindsey was heavily sedated and Logan was unable to be in the OR with her for the delivery. She was in recovery for an hour and then Logan spent the next hour with her before she was brought back to her labor and delivery room.

We got there just minutes before her birth, her Dad arriving just after. Nathan and Kayla came through the night and we all spent the rest of the night camping out outside her room.

Logan and Lindsey got to see Kamry around 1 a.m. for only a few minutes. Logan got to be with her the next morning, and later that day, they began their regular treks over to the NICU to spend more time with her. Lindsey started pumping right away, and Kamry started getting her milk through her tiny feeding line a few days after her birth. She advanced from 3cc to 10cc over the last few days, and they upped it even more yesterday.

The four grandparents got to see her on Saturday evening, and Peter and I stayed until Monday night, so we got a few more visits in as well. We stayed at a hotel on Saturday and Sunday nights, and went back to their house on Monday night. We had some things to take care of for them, so we stayed there Tuesday night too, and headed back to the hospital on Wednesday, this time the great-grands, Gran and Pop, went too.

Lindsey was discharged on Wednesday afternoon, and they had gotten their spot at the Ronald McDonald House. We got them settled in, and then spent a few more hours with them and Kamry back at the hospital, before heading back down. We got home yesterday, but came back to their house today. We will head back to Baltimore for the weekend in the morning.


She had a breathing tube at birth, only long enough to get a dose of surfactant for her lungs, then she was put on a CPAP, so she didn't have to work so hard. She was given a second dose of surfactant (via breathing tube) on Monday, but 12 hours later, it was back off again. Yesterday (6 days old), the CPAP was removed, and she now has an oxygen strap only!! The bili light was turned off yesterday as well. Lindsey was able to hold her for an hour (skin to skin) at 5 days old. Kamry will continue to be fed through the feeding line until at least week 32 (which she would have been on May 10).

We are taking things day by day and while we are concerned, we are very encouraged by Kamry's progress so far. Logan and Lindsey are adjusting quickly to their new role as parents and Lindsey is feeling stronger each day. All of her pre-delivery problems went away as soon as Kamry was born, which is the only cure for HELLP Syndrome.

Again, we thank the Lord for his protection and blessings to this sweet little family and thank everyone who has prayed for this situation. They have definitely been felt by all of us.

I can hardly wait to share the many pictures and videos that have been taken of our sweet, precious granddaughter, KAMRY! She is absolutely beautiful and we are already crazy in love with her!!!

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