It's painted and ready to go up. He should get some of the moulding up tomorrow. He has put up almost all of the v-groove and only has a small section left to do. It looks awesome! I'm taking pictures along the way to do a before/after post once this project is complete.
Our house is a wreck! Pretty much every room has stuff in it that doesn't belong there. It worked out great though that we can sleep in Nathan's room while our room is in such a mess. He gets home on Wednesday, which is our target date to hopefully be finished with our bedroom. At this point, I'm thinking of just putting back the comforter/curtains etc. that I took down, and concentrate on redecorating later??? Hmmmm....we'll see.
I'm trying to take one day at a time, but my calendar is so full of upcoming events and I don't want the house to be in such a mess all winter while all of this is going on. Right now, I know it will overlap with several things, including probably our trip, which is now only 19 days away!!!!!!
upcoming events:
the rest of this month is pretty much taken up with the re-do project and planning/ordering for the shower.
2/02/14- Super Bowl {hopefully, the Seahawks will be playing!}
2/06/14- packed & ready to go.....
{we'll stay with Lindsey that night and start driving early the next morning.}
2/07/14- vacation begins!!
2/13/14- check-out.....start driving home that evening. Not sure what day we'll get home.
2/14/14- Valentine's Day <3
3/01/14- Lindsey's Bridal Shower
3/20/14- my birthday! :O)
3/21-3/22/14-basketball marathon
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