Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cabinet: Before & After

Years ago (probably '85 or '86), I showed Dad some pictures of a cabinet that I just had to have. At the time, you could buy a pie safe cabinet just about anywhere, but I wanted one that was custom-made, by Dad. It wasn't long before I had a beautiful, pine cabinet, complete with punched tin door panels, for my kitchen. He did an awesome job!! I have pictures of the original cabinet, but wasn't able to get them scanned (hopefully, I can add them later). I copied a few pictures from the web to give you an idea of what it looked before the re-do.

Not my cabinet-but similar . The pattern of the punched tin was hearts.

While the punched tin hearts had their day, the cabinet was in dire need of an update! I still love it- and use it, so I thought giving it a little face lift would add a few more years to it. The top part holds my baking supplies, packaged mixes, etc. and I store my small garden flags in the drawer.

I considered several options to replace the punched tin. Chicken wire is always a popular choice, and has sort of a Tuscan look. Then I thought about adding frosted, ribbed glass, which I really love.

I bought a black cabinet from JCPenney a few years ago which has wainscoting paneled doors. I really like that look!

I decided to try to match up the two cabinets, so I bought a piece of waiscoting at Lowe's ($9) and painted it black. Dad cut the panels out and replaced the tin. I think it turned out great!! I'm still trying to decide if I want to paint the drawer and side panels black. I can always do that later though.

Love the new look!!!

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