Friday, December 23, 2016

The Happiness Dare: Dare #1

Add at least one item to your list that you know you can accomplish. If you have a long-term project that must be finished, come up with a manageable short-term goal that you can complete today.

I love my to-do lists, but sometimes my lists are often unrealistic with too many tasks that can't possibly be completed in one day. You know the saying "it looks good on paper". 

 Surprisingly, Jennifer suggests adding at least one more thing to your to-do list every morning. Something reasonable, something you know you can accomplish, something like empty the dishwasher or order a cake for an upcoming birthday, something that you can check off and feel good about getting done.

She also suggests adding to your list, short-term goals for long term projects. For example, for my upcoming guest room project, instead of looking at the whole project and thinking of all the things I need to get done or all the stuff that will need to be bought, break it down into steps - write out short-term goals to be checked off as they are accomplished. I have actually done this, and yes, I really do feel less overwhelmed and pretty excited about the project so far.

Confession: Sometimes, I actually add items to my list that I have already done just so I can scratch them off and feel like I got more accomplished. And yes, I am so that person!

So, while I've already been somewhat doing Dare #1, I will be adding something extra to my daily to-do list, something I know for sure I can accomplish! 

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