Sunday, October 21, 2018

Happy Fall Y'all!


Rowen stayed at Nana's house this weekend 
while Mommy & Daddy went to Marissa's & Conner's wedding. 

classmates reunited: Scott, Marissa, Nathan, Mariah, & Brandon

They got in a little visit too with Logan, Lindsey, & Kamry on their way home today. <3

Kayla & Kamry

We had the best time here hanging out together.
Rowen loved his Daddy's old toys that we brought out of the attic this week.
(*big attic purge---It was ridiculous and overwhelming
 the amount of STUFF I was hoarding up there!) 

This was Nathan's little shopping cart they he always had full of beanie babies and stuffed animals --Rowen LOVES it too!!!! <3 He pushes it until he runs out of room, then walks all around it and pushes it from the other side. He goes back and forth. He isn't walking alone yet, but does this like a pro. He also loves the farm set, the chunky Legos, and books!! 

<3 After his bath, he drank his bottle before bed. After he finished drinking it, he climbed up on me and put his hands on both sides of my face and hugged me and gave me kisses. When he pulled away, he looked right at me and smiled like, what do you think of that Nana? <3 Heart melted!!!


Rowen slept from 8:30 p.m. - 7:30 a.m.! 11 hours! Awesome!!
He is a great sleeper and didn't mind at all being in the pack and play! 

We made pancakes for breakfast!

ghost pancakes :O)

He loves the front room and can be quite nosy! LOL

****I saw this idea for helping them with fine motor skills****
The first time we tried he just stuck the q-tips in his time, he followed after me trying to put them in the bottle and I had to help him....this weekend, he actually kept trying until he got some in. I would clap and say good job, so every time one went in he would look at me and smile and wait for me to cheer!! :O) He loves it!!!

This child loves to eat as much as his Nana!!
He ate pork, green beans, apple sauce, 
and baked sweet potato sprinkled with cinnamon sugar. :O)


I love spending time with the grandkids! 
What a great weekend----I savored every single minute!
<3 <3 <3

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