Wednesday, January 22, 2020

It's JANUARY = let's get ORGANIZED!

IT'S JANUARY = let’s get organized! 

Following along with Laurie @theglamfarmhouse for a weekly organization challenge. ☑️ 

First, it was go clean your fridge and junk drawer. I did the fridge/freezer first and managed to fill a trash bag full of leftover holiday food and expired stuff. 

I also made an inventory of what’s in the freezer and planned a
week’s worth of meals using stuff only on hand. I was already using a few organizers, 
including these handled bins which are perfect for storing 
smoothie ingredients together. 

On to the junk drawer - ready to toss out more clutter!

This is a huge drawer that is really being misused. I only keep envelopes, keys, kids stuff for outside, and a few misc. items. I'd like to do away with having a "junk" drawer, and actually put this space to good use.

Storing the extra Mrs. Meyers Dish Detergent I bought on sale in my last GROVE order. Snagged some of my favorite holiday scents plus a few of my most used basics in my order last month.

I ended up cleaning out the drawer above it too. This one holds dish towels and rags, pot holders and foil, plastic bags, etc. I was low on most supplies in this drawer as well as needing to replace my worn towels, rags, and pot holders. I did a WALMART order and got this nice set from Mainstay to replace my old stuff.

Next, the pantry and spice cabinet....

this pantry cupboard and a cabinet for spices/baking goods are the only cabinets I use for food.



-Spices/Baking Goods-



cupcake liner & sprinkles storage

I use this stackable, lockable storage container for spices.

Came across this package of Kodiak Cakes pancake mix while cleaning the pantry and decided to try for our breakfast for dinner. They were so YUMMY!!!

Last week, The challenge was organize under your sink. 
This one was easy, I just wiped out the cabinet and reorganized 
all the cleaners (well stocked from GROVE).


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