Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year 2020!

Tradition has it that eating black-eyed peas on New Year's Day brings good luck.
I'm not really the supersticious type, but I do love traditions. I've never been a fan of black-eyed peas except for the year I made Pioneer Woman's Hoppin' John recipe. This year I did a similar version minus a few ingredients and they were delicious. I added sautéed onion and lots of ham (from our Christmas spiral ham), and used chicken broth instead of water to cook them in. In any event, they were very tasty and can now say I'm a fan and should be very lucky!  

Speaking of traditions, kids going door to door "New Year's Giving" is still a thing on TI, although, it has strayed from the original "boys only" rule to girls joining in on the fun as well. Actually, I had wayyy more girls than boys at my door this year. The tradition started years ago, when it was believed that if a dark-haired boy walked through your house after the New Year came in, you would have good fortune that year. Everyone who came to your door was given money. It gradually strayed from it only being a dark-haired boy to be the first to greet the New Year, to a boy with any color hair, and later to either boy or girl. This probably changed about 20 years ago, when Nathan was little and my friends (who all had girls) thought they should have equal rights. LOL 
There's a funny story that goes with this, but I'll share that in another post. :O)


Rowen wasn't feeling it this year, but managed to hit up most of his family and collected a nice little sum. 

I sent Kamry a card with New Year's Give money and a note telling her about this TI tradition, and told her to come next year to go New Year's Giving too!


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