Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday Mom Tip [4/52]

[4/52] Those pesky cords!! 

I recently discovered a way to hide them and keep them under control......
Command Cord Bundlers and Cord Clips...they are on my to-buy list!!!

source: Instagram

Image result for command strips cords
source: Walmart

17303CLRES Command(TM) Clear Large Cord Clips

Image result for command strips cords

How did I not know about these things????

And speaking of cords and small appliances.....I finally let my dinosaur blender go!! It would not die, 34 years later and it was still going strong. BUT, I have a Nutribullet that serves the same blending purpose and I never use it anymore, so while cleaning out kitchen cabinets last week, I finally tossed it! 
A prime example of "they don't make things like they used too"!! :O)

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