Thursday, September 8, 2011

5Q Friday 9/09

1. What ringtone do you have on your cell phone? Kid Rock - "All Summer Long"
2. What is your favorite memory from this summer?
This has been quite the eventful summer at our house.....a few highlights: nephew Derek's graduation, Nathan turned 16/got permit/did student driving/ Logan moved into his own place. Not a favorite memory, but something else that is very memorable about this summer-Dad's major surgery/recovery. The summer of 2011 will definitely be one to remember!
3. Paper books or ebooks?
I really, really like a real book. I'm sure someday I'll catch up with technology, but for now, I'll keep on reading paper books! :O)
4. If you could have one home upgrade what would it be and why?
I would {love} granite countertops please! We've been in our house for 20 years now, and I'd love to replace those beige countertops.
5. When was your first serious boyfriend/girlfriend
? I was 14.....that was soooooo long ago! Dated the same guy for 4 years then we got married a week after my high school graduation. 28 years later & we are still living happily ever after!!!

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