Sunday, January 1, 2023


H A P P Y N E W Y E A R ✨2023

• My word for the year is FOCUS…..

Focus more on what’s really important and stop sweating the small stuff.
Keep focused on my daily walk with the Lord. To really focus on what I’m reading and studying when doing my morning quiet time. Focus on a task and stay motivated. I’m such a procrastinator and I have great intentions of doing all the things but I can get so sidetracked. I want to work on staying focused on my goals and what I’m striving for and actually accomplish things. Focus on relationships- with my family and friends - 2022 was a rough year for our family - big things like cancer and heart surgery - lots of emotions and worry I’ve never dealt with. I got so wrapped up in all the feelings that I lost focus at times. I get ahead of myself and worry about what might happen when I know there isn’t anything I can do about it (except pray!). I need to focus on now, and enjoy each day that I’m given. 🤍 Focus on making time for my best friend @wandap4No excuses not to get together more than a few times a year 😞❤️ it’s therapy for me - I must make more time for this!! Focus on my marriage. We are coming up on our 40th anniversary this summer!! We are definitely in a different season with grown children, grands, aging parents, and an empty nest, but we really are at one of the best stages in our lives and I want to focus more on that - on us and enjoying all the things we can. I’ve seen first hand that life changes quickly, so I want to enjoy as much as we can while we can.❤️Lastly, I want to focus on taking better care of me - it’s classic [Mom] syndrome - to be always doing and thinking about everyone else - I don’t think I know any other way and that’s ok. But it’s also ok to focus on your own well-being, your health, your happiness, and time for yourself. Self-care isn’t selfish - it’s very important! I keep reading the statement “how can you do a good job caring for others if you aren’t taking care of yourself first.” This is a hard one for me but I’m hoping to stay focused on that and try to take my own advice. 

#focus #wordoftheyear #stayfocused #newyearsgoals #goal #happynewyear #2023

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